Кафедра иностранных языков технических факультетов
Факультет Гуманитарного образования
Учебная и научно-методическая деятельность
Научная деятельность
Научные и научно-методические мероприятия
Портал НГТУ
pk@nstu.ru, +7 (383) 319 59 99 — приёмная комиссия


Winter Methodology School - February 13th – 14th, 2020

Winter Methodology School  "Creative Thinking as a Fundamental Feature of Learning and Teaching English". 

Dear colleagues,

Our regional professional organizations “Novelty” and “NovELTA” as well as our Foreign Language Department for Engineering Faculties and Foreign Language Department for the Faculty of Humanities at Novosibirsk State Technical University are glad to invite you to participate in our 16th Winter Methodology School which will be held at NSTU on February 13th – 14th, 2020. Our school will be devoted to various aspects of academic writing and creative approaches to learning and teaching English.

Participation in our conference is free.

 You are welcome to register for the 16th Winter Methodology School via the link:  https://forms.gle/CAgdduWhZmRFPcfF6

The key speakers at the conference are experienced Russian and American teacher trainers. The conference program will be available by the end of January.

You can find UPDATED Program of the Winter School here https://yadi.sk/i/MgnP79DB6go3aA

Organizing Committee Contacts:

Galina Viktorovna Igonina, e-mail: gala_igonina@mail.ru     mb.8-913-733-08-58

Foreign Languages Department for Engineering Faculties: 346-03-23

Anna Vyacheslavovna Proskurina, e-mail: a.vyacheslavovna@gmail.com  mb. 8-913-745-88-07

Foreign Languages Department for Humanities: 346-02-57

Фотограф: предоставлено кафедрой ИЯ ТФ
