Ирина Владимировна

ИЯ 1 курс ПУПР

Список устных тем монологических высказываний (2 семестр)

  1. My meals during the day.
  2. Russian and British cuisine – what makes each unique?
  3. My favourite recipe.
  4. A visit to a café/restaurant.
  5. A visit to a local supermarket.
  6. My memorable purchase.
  7. The best place to shop.
  8. My method of shopping.
  9. I don’t believe weather forecasts. I believe weather lore.
  10. How the weather affects me.



Grocery Store - English Conversation

Learn Real English - SHOPPING

12 Phrasal Verbs about CLOTHES: dress up, try on, take off...


After years searching, I found my sister next door

