Ирина Владимировна

Tourism 1 курс

Темы для экзамена 2 курс 4 семестр.

  1. Types of accommodation. Characteristics of the types of accommodation.
  2. The marketing process in travel and tourism.
  3. Promotion in tourism
  4. Low-cost and traditional airlines.
  5. Reasons for the current success of low-cost airlines.
  6. Tourism and air travel.
  7. Adventure and action programme.
  8. Ecotourism and nature programme.
  9. Escape and enlightenment programme.
  10. Culture and heritage programme.
  11. Reservation systems for tourism.
  12. Booking conditions.
  13. Getting an airport job.
  14. Air passenger rights.




Факультет ФБ

Экзаменационный билет №  1_

По дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

2 курс 4 семестр

Направление  «ФБМТ»

Кафедра иностранных языков ГФ

1. Read and translate the paragraph from English into Russian

2. Give the English equivalents for the following Russian words and word combinations:

3. Speak on the following:

4. Choose the card with the text. Read the text. Do the tasks and express your opinion on the question suggested.

Составил:  ст. преп. Барабашёва И.В.      Дата:   ______________

Утверждаю: зав. кафедрой ______________________  Мелехина Е. А.
