Ирина Владимировна

ИЯ 2 курс


Вопросы к зачету по грамматике 2 курс 4 семестр


1. What are verbals? How many verbals are there? What are the characteristic traits of the verbals?

2. What is the participle? What participles are there in English?

3. How is Participle I formed? What are the spelling rules?

4. How is Participle I formed? What are the spelling rules?

5. What are the nominal characteristics of the Participle?

6. What are the verbal features of the Participle?

7. How many forms of Participle I and Participle II do you know? What are they?

8. What are the tense distinctions of Participle I?

9. What are the tense distinctions of Participle II?

10. What forms of Participle I can be used to express a prior action?

11. What are the voice distinctions of Participle I?

12. What are the voice distinctions of Participle II?

13. What are the functions of Participle I in the sentence?

14. Comment on the use of the participle as an attribute. Give examples.

15. Comment on the use of the participle as an adverbial modifier of time. Give examples.

16. Comment on the use of the participle as an adverbial modifier of cause. Give examples.

17. Comment on the use of the participle as an adverbial modifier of manner/attendant circumstances. Give examples.

18. Comment on the use of the participle as an adverbial modifier of comparison. Give examples.

19. Comment on the use of the participle as an adverbial modifier of condition. Give examples.

20. Comment on the use of the participle as a part of a predicate. Give examples.

21. Comment on the use of the participle as a part of a complex object. Give examples.

22. Comment on the use of the participle as a parenthesis. Give examples.

23. How many predicative constructions with the participle do you know? What are they? Give examples.

24. What is the Objective Participial Construction? How is it formed? How is it rendered into Russian?

25. What verbs can be used with the Objective Participial Construction? Give examples.

26. What is the Subjective Participial Construction? How is it formed? How is it rendered into Russian?

27. What verbs and word groups can be used with the Subjective Participial Construction? Give examples.

28. What is the Nominative Absolute Participial Construction? How can it be rendered into Russian?

29. What are the functions of the Nominative Absolute Participial Construction in the sentence?

30. What is the Prepositional Absolute Participial Construction? How is it rendered into Russian? What are the functions of this construction in the sentence?

31. What absolute constructions without participle do you know? Give examples.

32. Comment on the functions of Absolute Constructions (NAC, PAC) in the sentence. Give examples. How are they rendered into Russian?



1. What are verbals? How many verbals are there? What are the characteristic traits of the verbals?

2. What is the gerund? Why is it said to have a double nature?

3. How many forms of the gerund do you know? Give examples.

4. What are the ways of rendering the gerund in Russian? Give examples.

5. Comment on the tense distinctions of the gerund. Give examples.

6. Comment on the voice distinctions of the gerund. Give examples.

7. How is the gerundial construction formed? How is it rendered in Russian? Give examples.

8. Name at least 10 verbs (without prepositions) that are followed by gerunds. Give 2-3 examples of sentences.

9. Name at least 10 verbs with a preposition that are followed by gerunds. Give 2-3 examples of sentences.

10. Name at least 10 word-groups (with or without prepositions) that are followed by gerunds. Give 2-3 examples of sentences.

11. What verbs and word groups can be used both with the gerund and the infinitive? Give examples.

12. Comment on the use of the word-group “to be afraid” with the gerund and the infinitive, state the difference in meanings. Give examples.

13. Comment on the use of the verbs “to remember”, “to forget” with the gerund and the infinitive, state the difference in meanings. Give examples.

14. Comment on the use of the verbs “to like”, “to hate”, “to prefer” with the gerund and the infinitive, state the difference in meanings. Give examples.

15. Comment on the use of the verbs “to begin”, “to continue”, “to stop” with the gerund and the infinitive, state the difference in meanings if there are some. Give examples.

16. What are the functions of the gerund in the sentence? Enumerate all possible functions.

17. Comment on the use of the gerund as a part of the predicate. In what types of the predicate can the gerund be used? Give examples.

18. Comment on the use of the gerund as a subject. Give examples. (!!don’t forget about the sentences with introductory “it”)

19. Comment on the use of the gerund as an object. Give examples.

20. Comment on the use of the gerund as an attribute. Give examples.

21. Comment on the use of the gerund as an adverbial modifier of time. Give examples.

22. Comment on the use of the gerund as an adverbial modifier of manner and an adverbial modifier attendant circumstances.. Give examples.

23. Comment on the use of the gerund as an adverbial modifier of purpose and an adverbial modifier of cause. Give examples.

24. Comment on the use of the gerund as an adverbial modifier of concession. Give examples.



1. What is the infinitive? How many forms of the Infinitive are there? What are they?

2. What nominal characteristics does the infinitive have?

3. What are the verbal features of the infinitive?

4. The tense distinctions of the infinitive. What action does the Indefinite Infinitive express? Give examples.

5. The tense distinctions of the infinitive. What action does the Continuous Infinitive express? Give examples.

6. The tense distinctions of the infinitive. What action does the Perfect Infinitive express? Give examples.

7. The tense distinctions of the infinitive. What action does the Perfect Continuous Infinitive express? Give examples.

8. What are the voice distinctions of the Infinitive?

9. In what constructions can we use the passive or active infinitive without the change in the meaning?

10. When is the bare infinitive used? Give examples.

11. In what cases can we use the particle “to” without the infinitive?

12. What is the “split infinitive”? When is it used?

13. What is the Infinitive phrase? Give examples. What are the functions of the infinitive and infinitive phrase in the sentence (enumerate them)?

14. Comment on the use of the infinitive as a subject. Give examples.

15. Comment on the use of the infinitive as a part of the predicate. What types of predicate can the infinitive be found in? Give examples.

16. Comment on the use of the infinitive as an object. Give examples.

17. Comment on the use of the infinitive as an attribute. Give examples.

18. Comment on the use of the infinitive as an adverbial modifier of purpose and an adverbial modifier of comparison or manner. Give examples.

19. Comment on the use of the infinitive as an adverbial modifier of exception and an adverbial modifier of result. Give examples.

20. Comment on the use of the infinitive as an adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances (or consequence/subsequent events). Give examples.

21. Comment on the use of the infinitive as a parenthesis. Give examples.

22. What predicative constructions with the infinitive do you know? Give examples.

23. What is the For-to-Infinitive Construction? How is it rendered into Russian?

24. What are the functions of the For-to-Infinitive Construction in the sentence?

25. Comment on the use of the For-to-Infinitive Construction as a subject. Give examples.

26. Comment on the use of the For-to-Infinitive Construction as a part of the predicate and a part of the predicative. Give examples.

27. Comment on the use of the For-to-Infinitive Construction as an object. Give examples.

28. Comment on the use of the For-to-Infinitive Construction as an attribute. Give examples.

29. Comment on the use of the For-to-Infinitive Construction as an adverbial modifier. Give examples.

30. What is the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction? How is it rendered into Russian?

31. When is the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction used? Give examples.

32. Comment on the use of the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction after the verbs of sense perception. Give examples.

33. Comment on the use of the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction after the verbs denoting mental activity. Give examples.

34. Comment on the use of the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction after the verbs denoting order and permission; compulsion. Give examples.

35. Comment on the use of the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction after the verbs of declaring: denoting wish and intention; like and dislike. Give examples.

36. What is the Subjective Infinitive Construction? How is it rendered into Russian? What are the syntactical functions of its elements?

37. What verbs in the Passive Voice is the Subjective Infinitive Construction used with? Give examples.

38. What verbs in the Active Voice is the Subjective Infinitive Construction used with?  Give examples.

39. What word groups is the Subjective Infinitive Construction used with? Give examples.

