Кафедра иностранных языков гуманитарного факультета
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12 апреля у студентов второго курса кафедры ИЯ ГФ группы ИЯ-63 состоялась экскурсия в новосибирский филиал Всероссийского общества глухих

Второкурсники направления "Лингвистика", профиля "Переводчик английского и русского жестового языков" побывали на еженедельном мероприятии, проводимом для членов Всероссийского общества глухих в г. Новосибирске. Впечатлениями от экскурсии делится студентка группы ИЯ-63 Мария Березовская.  

"Лично на меня эта поездка произвела очень яркое впечатление. Можно долго рассматривать её через призму учебных программ и педагогических замыслов, долго рассуждать о том, какое она имела значение для нашего образования. Однако это я оставлю профессионалам. Разрешите мне поделиться с вами тем, какое человеческое значение она для меня имела. Ведь вопрос о становлении личности каждого студента не менее важен, чем тонкости образовательного процесса, не так ли?

Over the Rainbow

Last Friday my group and I had a unique opportunity to visit the really unusual place named Whole-Russian Deaf Community (in Russian - ВОГ). When our sign language teachers told us that we would have an excursion, I couldn't suppose what an adventure would await us. 
So, we arrived at the club "Raduga" and, frankly, I was slightly shocked. Saying that it had "some symptoms of insufficient budgeting" meant to say nothing. The club looked like an old Soviet school in the suburb. And as soon as I almost became depressed about the indifference of our government to any great social ideas, I saw them. We went upstairs and there were deaf people. Really big number of deaf people. All of them were rather not young: the average age was about 65-70, I suppose. And all of them were communicating with each other. Some men were playing billiards, some women were sitting on the chairs in the circle and chatting. Two men tried to talk with us in sign language, told about their lives.с
However, the most interesting thing lied ahead. We were invited to the big concert hall, and there was a Beauty contest! Not for young ladies! There were 8 participants, the youngest one was at least 55, and the oldest - more than 60, I guess! The contest had some parts: defile, cooking competition, and many other games. For example, "Ugovor vnuka". The funny man (=grandson) was sitting on the chare and the "granny" had to tell him anything to make him stand up and come with her. One more example: on the table, there were some cosmetic items. The lady was asked to look at it for a minute, then turn back. The other woman took one item and after that, the participant had to say which item was taken. Certainly, everything in that hall was in sign language and, unfortunately, I couldn't understand it clearly. However, here is a thing I was really excited by. Believe me, it is a very inspiring view when so many retired people just come and join to play some funny children games and enjoy this process sincerely! They were laughing, chatting, applauding all the time.

I was really worried by the thought that hearing retired people probably don't have traditions like that. And it is a great pity. I am sure there are many things we can learn from the Deaf. The main of them is sincere communication desire and life-enjoying skill. In other words, this performance proved me one more time that the youth is in our hearts, but the old age is in our minds!"
